
Governance and People

PFMD Governance

PFMD Board

Min 30%

Max 50%

of PO’s

Min 30%

Max 50%

of industry members



HTAs, regulatory

Executive Committee
Strategic Advisory Board
Executive Director

PFMD Member Organizations

Patient represenattives
Life Science Industry (committed to adopt the new framework)
Patient Advocates
Others: HTA, Regulatory, academia, public health authority, experts, etc.

Funding and/or participating in kind

PFMD Board

Min 30%

Max 50%

Min 30%

Max 50%

of industry members



HTAs, regulatory

Executive Committee
Strategic Advisory Board
Executive Director

PFMD Member Organizations

Patient represenattives
Life Science Industry (committed to adopt the new framework)
Patient Advocates
Others: HTA, Regulatory, academia, public health authority, experts, etc.

Funding and/or participating in kind

PFMD Board

PFMD Strategic Advisory Board

PFMD Nomination Committee

PFMD Governance Committee

PFMD Former Board Members

PFMD Operational Team

Financial Report

The Synergist goal is to bring all relevant stakeholders around the table to work together for societal impact. In a world of scarce resources, we expect the for-profit side to support societal impact and enable the participation of not-for-profit contributors. The Synergist, as a not-for-profit, is housing these afore-mentioned programs. They are managed through comprehensive governance structures, but not as separate legal entities. Each program benefits from full financial autonomy, including audit.


Project Expenses

In-kind Hours

In-kind Contribution

Split of PFMD Turnover

Membership fees

Industry Training

Fair Market Value
