Creating the demand for qualitative patient engagement at industry level 

by | 29 Mar 2019

As part of creating the conditions and building the demand for systematic patient engagement we are currently taking a collaborative leadership role in defining and co-creating a patient engagement awareness and training programme for the pharmaceutical industry. This was requested by 6 pharma companies from the PFMD partnership in October 2018.

The goal is to have a co-created training program that could help support culture change and raising the awareness level, targeting half a million people in pharma, while moving to more concrete training for doing patient engagement.

The planned training is developed to take into account the complexities in big and small companies, as well as the differing needs of patient engagement capacity-building in every company.

The content and delivery method of the training is being created to match user and company needs. Together with EUPATI and members, we are already finalising the training structure, while working on the training content. The expected delivery date for the first module is June 2019. Stay tuned via Synapse here.


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