There is a critical mass developing in patient engagement

by | 15 Dec 2016

Kim McCleary Managing Director of FasterCures, a centre of the Milken Institute shares her views on the growing commitment to ensuring better patient engagement in a video filmed at the DIA 2016 conference:

“Patient engagement is built around the idea that patients are the ultimate benefactors and risk takers in the development and use of health care products and treatments. Therefore, patients’ views and experiences should form a key part of the development of those products and services.
I see a growing interest and an intensity of commitment to move away from a system where patients have been passive recipients and subjects to one where they are engaged as partners and co-creators throughout the entire lifecycle of medicines development.
I think the breadth of this emerging patient engagement movement and the rate at which it is growing is very exciting. I am encouraged by the number of individual organisations that are getting involved: esteemed groups of academics, different companies within industry and different disease state organisations – including professionals, patients and carers.
These organisations are looking internally to see what they can do to change their processes and cultures to really integrate patient perspectives from the earliest stages of medicines development. There is a critical mass developing and that is really exciting.
The tremendous value that PFMD creates is the mapping of what is going on globally across the patient engagement landscape. This mapping includes initiatives at all levels, at all stages of medicines development and shares important tools that are being developed. And it’s not just about mapping – it’s about connecting and developing a network so we can reach out and learn from each other, so we can reach out and collaborate on initiatives that share common objectives.
An understanding is being created of what patient engagement activity is happening regionally, specifically within disease states and at different stages of development. This mapping enables us to collectively raise our knowledge to a higher level and to form connections. It will result in the development of a standardised model of patient engagement and ultimately will ensure better results for patients.
Watch the video to find out more.
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