“There seems to be a big commitment towards engaging patients but that work is still happening in a fragmented way, in different parts of the world”, says Nicola Bedlington, Secretary General at European Patients’ Forum.
The challenge is to ensure that patient engagement happens in a strategic, structured and coherent way. There are many separate projects around the world tackling this. One of them is EPF’s own project the “European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI)“ , which provides the education, the tools, the materials to educate patient representatives and the lay public about all processes involved in medicines development.
“The added value, the unique selling point of PFMD is bringing together leadership from within companies, within industry, that will be matched with similar leadership from other spheres, like the regulatory, policy making and patients’ perspectives. That leadership at global level will help to ensure that patient engagement is seen as the norm and entrenched in the way drugs are developed throughout the life cycle.” Nicola adds.
Watch the full interview below:
About PFMD: The Patient Focused Medicines Development (PFMD) group, established in 2015, is an independent multinational coalition, managed in collaboration with The Synergist. Its goal is to bring together initiatives and best practices that integrate the voice of the patient throughout the lifecycle of medicines development, thereby speeding up the creation and implementation of an effective, globally standardized framework. Find out more about the initiative: https://patientfocusedmedicine.org/about-pfmd/.
Patient Engagement should be the norm